Enchanter Finance:https://twitter.com/EnchanterFi




Welcome to the Enchanter Finance team to our community. @Harview  @willswater 🚀🚀🚀

提问人:Dr.Wolon77 Hi everyone, thanks for joining this online seminar. I think we might still be missing a few people but I’m going to kick things off now so we have time to get through everything. 大家好,谢谢参加这个线上AMA。虽然有些人可能还未加入讨论,但是为了在时程涵盖所有内容,我们差不多要开始了。

Welcome to our community (AptosCN). We're ready to start a text AMA.@Harview  @willswater

欢迎来到我们的社区 (AptosCN)。 我们將開始進入 AMA

(1).Regarding "Enchanter Finance" as an early DEX on Aptos, can you give a detailed introduction?

关于"Enchanter Finance"作为 Aptos 上早期的 DEX,能否請您详细介绍?


Enchanter Finance was an early participant in the Aptos ecosystem. Over the past period, we have also accumulated a good amount of community liveliness through product testing for devnet.


We aim to build the first ever Social Trading AMM DEX on Aptos. We also serve to be the entry point for all on-chain assets across Move-based ecosystems. On top of trading and yield farming, Enchanter Finance will provide secure DeFi alternatives that will help traders and liquidity providers better manage their assets.

我们的目标是在Aptos上建立有史以来的第一个社会交易AMM DEX。我们还将成为基于移动的生态系统中所有链链资产的切入点。除了贸易和产量耕作外,我们还将提供安全的偏见替代方案,以帮助交易者和流动性提供商更好地管理其资产


(2).Why did you choose #Aptos? How does your Dex enrich the Aptos ecosystem? 你为什么选择#Aptos? 您的 Dex 如何豐富 Aptos 生態系統?


The Aptos team has excellent technical accumulation and strong capital backing, Aptos' rounds are equivalent to a pre-IPO, and compared to the $5 billion when Polkadot's mainnet went live, $4 billion is not too high, and we think there is still plenty of room.