



Hi everyone, thanks for joining this online seminar. I think we might still be missing a few people but I’m going to kick things off now so we have time to get through everything.


Welcome to our community (AptosCN). We're ready to start a text AMA.

欢迎来到我们的社区 (AptosCN)。 我们將開始進入 AMA

(1).About "Abel Finance" product description includes: Coin and "AMM LP Coin" and NFT are supported for lending, Support cross-chain lending, can you explain in detail?

关于“Abel Finance”产品描述包括:Coin和“AMM LP Coin”和NFT支持借贷,支持跨链借贷,能详细介紹一下吗?

项目方:Abel D

With the development of blockchain today, there are a lot of innovations, lending is a direction we have been optimistic about, it can improve the user's asset utilization rate very well, at the same time, with the development of DEFI and NFTS, the types of user assets also become very diverse, we hope to create a platform that can make all the valuable assets on the chain (e.g. coin/LP coin and NFT) are maximized.


At the same time, cross-chain is also a track that we are quite optimistic about. Lending platforms between different chains are just like different banks in real life. If banks cannot communicate with each other, the liquidity of assets will be greatly damaged. Let the user can very aspects of a chain of collateral in another chain to lend assets, improve the use of assets.


At the same time, we also hope to build a completely decentralized platform where users can support new assets through community voting on the Abel Finance Dao. In the future, we may support other new asset types besides Coin/LP Coin/NFT.

同时,我们也希望打造一个完全去中心化的平台,用户可以通过 Abel Finance Dao 上的社区投票来支持新资产。未来,我们可能会支持除 Coin/LP Coin/NFT 之外的其他新资产类型。


Amazing, great work!